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Mt Gravatt Youth and Recreation Club - Our Governing Body

Formed in the 1960's, we have a proud tradition of supporting sport and recreation activities in the Mt Gravatt / Mansfield / Wishart and Mackenzie areas.


The Mount Gravatt Youth and Recreation Club Inc. actively promotes and invites the participation of all members of the local and wider community in the  multiple sports and  various social activities offered at our sporting complex at F R Caterson Park, Weedon street West, Mansfield.

The Mount Gravatt Youth and Recreation Club Inc. is committed to actively promoting the participation of all members of the local and wider community in both sport and recreation activities by providing a quality facility which creates a safe and supportive community based environment.


  • Members of the sporting clubs and other user groups  associated with our complex and, by association with them, their family, friends and other visitors

  • Members of any visiting sporting clubs and, by association with them, their family and  friends

  • Local schools, their staff and students and all members of visiting schools and their sporting teams

  • Members of local community groups

  • Brisbane City Council, Queensland Government, Australian Federal Government


  • Provision of a safe, high quality and well maintained complex for those sports and activities provided at our complex

  • Ensure members of the local community have equal opportunity to play socially or strive for higher level representation in their chosen sports or activities provided at our comple

  • Provide sound management of the complex and the promotion of equity and good sportsmanship amongst our user groups

  • Promotion of our complex as a multi-sport/multi activity complex for participation, where possible, in the sports/activities offered at our complex by all members of the local and wider community in an equitable manner and not to discriminate on any grounds.

  • Constantly strive to encourage the use of the complex by other sporting, social and recreation groups   

For all enquiries, please email

Associated Clubs / Activities

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South Brisbane Eagles Hockey Club


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Mt Gravatt Eagles Baseball Club
